Marriage Preparation & Relationship Enrichment

Making the most of your most important relationship

Over 40% of marriages in Australia are expected to end in divorce. As such, there is a significant need for marriage preparation and enrichment. In response to this need Nicole has trained in administering the trusted and reliable marriage preparation tool, Prepare- Enrich. Prepare-Enrich is a multiple choice questionnaire that analyses strength and growth areas in a relationship. Nicole works with couples to identify and enhance strengths, as well as to find solutions to problems, and ways to grow in intimacy. A key element to marriage preparation and enrichment with Nicole is working together to identify the values and vision that will provide a stronger basis for each couple’s future.

For more information on Prepare-Enrich please see It is best to start marriage preparation early (even up to 12 months prior to marrying) so make an appointment with Nicole today to begin investing positively in your future.